Saturday, April 19, 2008

The day we've been waiting for is almost here!

I wanted to update everyone about a big event that is about to happen in our family. No its not baby #2 - its an event that has been in the works much longer - JAKE IS GRADUATING next month with a bachelor's degree in Business Management. Jake gave his last presentation on Thursday night. He has a couple things left to do in a couple classes but he is pretty much done by the first couple days of May.

I have been telling everyone that I feel that I am graduating as well. Now I FULLY realize that I did not do any of the work and I don't have even a small amount of the abundance of knowledge Jake has learned in his classes over the years. But being a wife of a college student you hear about classmates and teachers, you hear about class projects and help edit papers and more. Like college students you constantly fantasize about what it would be like after graduation. Also, as we are experiencing currently, whats its like to search for jobs and interview and such.

Anyway enough about making Jake's graduation all about me (I can say this because Jake never reads this blog)!!

Jake has worked for about 5 years to get this degree (he thinks it more but if you round the number it has been about that long). Plus, unless college is paid for by an outside source or there are scholarships, I personally think that people don't get a bachelor's degree in 4 years anymore. Jake has worked so hard to accomplish this and for anyone who has gotten a degree I am sure you would agree, its a big deal. Unlike a job, working hard at school does not get any monetary rewards until after graduation, therefore I think students have to have a lot of determination, motivation and dedication to finish.
I have so much more to say and brag about Jake getting this degree and how brilliant and wonderful he is but I guess I will save that for the post I write for the actual day of his graduation (that way I can include great pictures with the cap and gown and all)! I just wanted to give an update!!


Smith Crew said...

CONGRATULATIONS JAKE!!! Wow, the big day has finally come. All of your sacrifice and hard work is paying off. We're so proud of you-- sniff sniff (those are sniffles from tears... ya know...) We will definitely be at the celebration! Remeber when Jake graduated from High School and he and Tyler bleached their hair?? Please tell me that isn't the plan this year...

Miller Family said...

Jake wanted me to tell you the plan is red this year!