Saturday, April 25, 2009


Just some of the things I am loving lately....
Watching Brody intensely playing with his trains

Play room (seriously, a life saver)!

My little Ry guy

My dorky excitement over Ryan getting big enough to fit into certain cute outfits

This kid...

and his hilarious faces!!

Another cute outfit and Ryan looking chubby!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome back Evan

I meant to post something last week about this but like many things in my life now - all the "taking care of children" business pushed it to the side.

Starting last Monday I am back to watching Evan. Though it does mean one more kid around our house we are all excited to have him back. Evan is such a joy and fun to have around that, though it was necessary to give me a break with a having Ryan, we sure did miss having him in our home.

Not sure if Brody's preschool is already helping him socially or if Brody and Evan somehow got closer but since Evan's return to our house on a daily basis they have been interacting really great and it makes for lots of fun to watch. There favorite thing is chasing each other and running around while both are screaming very loudly. Unfortunate for both, they are fighting more over the trains - but fighting at least means interaction and with Brody's social delay it makes me happy to see.
This time around things are a little different with Brody going to preschool 3 days a week. Firstly, Evan loves school buses and he is bummed when he notices Brody leaving. Secondly, it has been nice because it leaves more time for me to give one-on-one attention to Evan while Brody is gone. Lastly, Evan is noticing and talking about Ryan more which is good for him because come September, there will be a little baby girl in the Hendrickson home!!

It is so nice for Brody to have a little buddy around

Especially one so handsome and adorable as Evan

Here we are last week when Grandma Donna had the day off and we were all outside enjoying some applesauce, popcorn and a nice, cool breeze!
Evan talks about "baby Ryan" a lot. It is so precious to hear him say those words.

Here is Evan "watch Thomas with baby Ryan" (his words)

Had to post something about this cute little booties that Ryan's little cousin Eva gave to him. They are so soft and warm for Ryan's little feet plus they are something for Brody and Evan to get excited to look at!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My precious 8 week old baby and my 2 year old nightmare

This is the most recent picture taken of Ryan. Today he is 8 weeks old!

The following pictures of Ryan were taken a couple weeks ago by my oh-so-talented friend Amber. They came out great and I LOVE them! No sitting for pictures at Target or JC Penny when I can have these pictures :)
I even let a few of me and Ryan be taken
He likes to curl up in a ball and lay on your chest

Ryan's famous stretch

Then there is our trouble maker Brody
who most recently has gotten on my last nerve...
Yup, its what you think it is folks!
This is the first poop party I have caught of film

Now he is trying to make a get away with no bottoms!
