Friday, January 16, 2009

8 months pregnant!

So I feel like I haven't mentioned this pregnancy that much. Which is crazy because being pregnant has been my identity since July!!! I suppose the reason behind it is cause given the chance to talk about my pregnancy I would have more complaints than positive remarks which I would feel bad about cause I don't want to give people the wrong impression. I am grateful and blessed to have the ability to bear children - not all do so I realize how lucky I am. Also though I have my complaints in actuality I have very healthy pregnancies (well counting the last one and so far in this one).

It has been so different from when I was pregnant with Brody. I am not working 40 hours a week in an office but I am having to keep up with Brody and around 30-35 hours a week I have another toddler to take care of so its different but both tiring. Of course I would take two smiling toddlers over grumpy co-workers any day. I have a different OB this time around. Jake hasn't been able to come with my to most of my appointments cause of his work schedule. Like with Brody, this baby boy moves A LOT. My doctor told me that I should make sure the baby moves at least 10 times throughout the day. No problem there. This baby is moving triple and sometimes quadruple that!!
I am excited to see what he will look like. What his personality is going to be like. Brody had so much personality and facial expressions even from the time he was a newborn. In so many ways I know what to expect when it comes to the care of this baby but with this being my second I have to do all it and take care of Brody. Not stating this as a complaint either just curious how it it will be - adapting a routine, getting used to this new little family member. Will this little boy know he is the second child in this family? Will he know he has an older brother? Will he develop differently because he has another brother to watch and observe and hear? I have gotten advice and heard from many people the way Brody will probably act so I don't think I will be surprised with that.
I guess I am anxious to meet this little guy and interested to see how life will be once he is born. Jake and I have gotten so used to just Brody. By the time this baby comes Brody will be about 3 months shy of his 3rd birthday. I know I have a huge belly and this little life inside me moves but the fact that I am having another child and our family is growing is a bit surreal for me. I am sure I will post about the baby and pregnancy at least once before I have him but I had these feelings and thoughts lately so I thought I'd share.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Reflections on 2008 and a hope for a the new year!

Growing up my family, like I am sure many others do, write down goals and resolutions at the beginning of every year. I have sort of continued this tradition since being out of my parent's home. As I was taught by my parents it is a great thing to write them down AND put them up somewhere in the house. I like the bathroom because its a place where you are most likely to glance at them a couple times a day or at least once.


As I was thinking about my resolutions and goals for 2009 (okay its even weird to type that year) it caused me to think about 2008 and all that happened. It is not like a lot happened but thinking back throughout the year I think there was some growth (not talking about my belly) and changes in me, Jake and even Brody in many ways - physically, mentally spiritually and more.
2008 was very exciting in many ways. Jake graduated from college after 5 years of very hard work. We became pregnant with our second child. Jake got a job at Mattress Firm and has already gotten two promotions (though that doesn't come with a raise) but still an accomplishment. Brody has improved very much through therapy with his communication and social skills. Two of Jake's siblings got married.

But deeper than those changes that are easy to list, our family has increased in love, faith, understanding, hope, appreciation, respect and patience. A toddler takes a lot of patience, a husband working crummy hours takes understanding, money problems and unemployment takes humility, faith, and hope. I am not saying that Jake and I were automatically taking these changes and events with quiet, grace and dignity BUT Jake and I have been given many opportunities in the year of 2008 to be experience different things, some hardships and some have just been changes and I think we have learned a lot.

So to me goals for the new year are sort of personal so I am not going to record them in this blog. Instead I wanted to share some feelings I have had on my mind lately that I believe can relate to anyone's resolutions, wanting to progress in life and for anyone who just wants to get through their everyday life, in general.

Recently one of the leaders of my church gave a talk about hope. It is so inspiring and just utterly amazing. The subject of hope, itself, is something I am always moved by, so needless to say, his words really motivated and encouraged me to cling to hope when I am down, frustrated or in the mood to complain. Recently I have re-read some of his words:

"Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity. These three stabilize our lives regardless of the rough or uneven surfaces we might encounter at time. The scriptures are clear and certain about the importance of hope. The Apostle Paul taught that the scriptures were written to the end that we 'might have hope.' "

"Hope, on the other hand, is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances"

"Faith, hope and charity complement each other, and as one increases, the others grow as well. Hope comes of faith, for without faith, there is no hope. In like manner faith comes of hope for faith is 'substance of things hoped for.' "

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's words are wonderful to me. Through charity for others, faith in the Lord, I can hold to hope when times are tough. So hope is something I am going to ponder and work on for 2009. I would like to consider hope not just during tough times but all the time.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lack of New Years photos but I have wedding photos!

So with the recent holidays, Jake and I celebrating our anniversary and then Josh's wedding things have been quite busy and sadly, I wasn't was really bad and didn't take any pictures on New Years Eve or Day. But I took lots of pictures at Josh and Amy's reception (again, forgot to bring my camera to take pictures as they were coming out of the temple).
No reason for these Brody photos, they don't mark a special occasion just my little boy being priceless

Climbing like he always does, eating toast in his pj's on a step latter that was in Josh's room!

Jake worked on the day of our anniversary which was a bummer cause it was on a Tuesday this year and that was the exact day of the week we got married. But on New Years Eve he got off early so we went out to dinner and had a very nice time just being the two of us.
Last year for our anniversary I posted a ton of pictures and spoke all lovey-dovey about Jake and our years of marriage. This year this is just this little collage of photos I put together. Jake and I celebrated 5 years of marriage and also it was New Years Eve 9 years ago that we had our first date so it was a very special day. He doesn't read this blog so I won't go on and say all the mushy stuff. I am grateful for Jake and so happy that no matter what our marriage is happy and healthy!! I really don't think any of these pictures will do the reception and its decor the justice it deserved. It was like a winter wonderland!
Here is the arbor that Cliff built that was used at Sarah's wedding. Jake and Josh fixed it up and it looked great.

In one of the corners there was this shelf decorated perfectly with the rest of the reception and had pictures of Josh and Amy. It was a really unique touch.

These are the paper flowers that Amy and many others have been working on for months. They really look very real and the tables looked SO awesome.

Really, the Stepp girls could give Martha Stewart a run for her money!

I was able to chat a bit with Amber and Chad and play with Ivy for just a few minutes. She is just a bundle of smiles and happiness!

Sorry this is such a dark photo but here is the happy couple greeting guests as they stand under the arbor (Amy's dress was beautiful and suited her perfectly).

And then there was the wedding cake. It looked so weird as it is to say a cake looks beautiful (I guess wedding cakes are the exceptions).

Here is a photo of the other side of the cake

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas pictures

We had such a nice Christmas and New Year and I am so behind on getting pictures on the blog (I do it more for my own catalog of events than you readers) so I am going to play catch up!

Christmas at home!
Very happy on Christmas morning...not necessarily for the normal reasons children are happy with presents or treats, just a simple decoration!!
Also Jake was very happy to get his property back in the form of a gift from Josh!!
Brody still doesn't really understand or care about presents so its basically me opening them with him next to me. We got him a Thomas the Train video! He is at a great age where one present is totally fine and all that he needs

He got new warm pajamas and a bunch of books he LOVES from Grandma Donna
One of my favorite presents he was given was from Sarah, Jared and Evan - a little Nike outfit.

Not sure if these are going to be his warm ups before he hits the basketball court or if he is going to join the Sopranos in a hit but he is just too cute in them!!
Then it was onto Christmas at my parent's house

It is getting quite big with our expanding family but it was really fun for all of us to get together in our pj's and enjoy the spirit of giving

Brody got probably his favorite gift from my parents

For his age and his personality it was perfect. A very simple car track with two cars that twist down. Brody played with it for SO long.

Also I had to take pictures to show the adorable pj's the Thad and Eva had. Thad had some cute ones with dogs.

Not sure if you can tell from this picture but Eva's pajama's were silky and covered in pink elephants. SO ADORABLE!