Sunday, January 1, 2012

Anniversary and New Years

Jake and I had out 8 year wedding anniversary on December 30th. We had an overnight in Vegas at the beginning of November to sort of celebrate but we still wanted to do something so we went to a nice steakhouse and then to a movie. For Jake and I, any date night is wonderful.

I could go on and on about Jake and how amazing he is but I guess I will be brief cause I have more to say plus when anyone gushes about their better-half it is always cheesy and lovey-dovey. Lets just say he has made me happy everyday for the past 8 years. As much as I loved him the day we got married, I love him more everyday. He is the best husband and a great father. There have been tough times we've experienced in these eight years. But our marriage and love has been a way to get through the tough times and never causing problems. I think our marriage has been so wonderful because we both work to make each other happy - therefore how could one of us really be unhappy!

As for New Years, I didn't get any pictures. But it was a blast. Most of Jake's family came over last night. We played some fun games on the Xbox Kennect (not sure I am spelling that right). My boys played a game with some dancing and it didn't work out very well game wise but they had fun dancing. Ryan had more fun that I am sure he thought possible. I let him stay up till midnight (thank goodness he napped till 6:30 pm). He got to play with his big cousins and fun aunts and uncles. Lots of giggling and showing off.

I was crazy and decided to let the boys stay up as long as they could and of course didn't give Brody melatonin.

Becky and Trevor were cool enough to get fireworks and we let some off earlier in the night and then some later at midnight. That was fun for everyone (well except for Ryan)

The highlight of Brody's night really came at midnight. Our neighbors down the street had their own amazing fireworks show but like the real kind that shoot up in the air. It was amazing since it was just a couple doors down from us and we just sat in our drive way watching.

In the past the boys had never really either stayed up late enough on New Years and never thought they had the patience for 4th of July celebration. Brody's face lit up and he was just ecstatic. Poor Ryan on the other hand. He crawled to the drivers seat of our minivan and covered his ears and didn't really look at the fireworks unless we were holding him. If we were holding him he was still covering his ears and watching the fireworks in fear. He kept saying, "bye, fireworks".

All and all it was lots of fun and yet again, no pictures.

I have lots of goals and aspirations for our entire family. Here is for hoping for an accomplished 2012!

This time of the year always makes me grateful for all my many blessings. My boys are the light of my life and they make me laugh all the time. They also let me smother them with so much love. I am also so blessed for an amazing marriage that brings me so much joy and happiness. I will work better this year to be worthy of all my many blessings!