Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An Autism Journey

So I've started another blog that is totally devoted to everything related to autism since it sort of rules our life at times. I like to rant, share knowledge and I would like to someday as others to share through my new blog about autism. I thought the only way to do so would be to start completely over someone else, more official and public. This blog will stay private so it can be all family related. For anyone who would like to please visit the site, make a comment and get talking about autism cause that is what I am hoping for.


Love you all,

Just for fun - these little guys are keeping me busy ALL summer

Hopefully update coming soon

Monday, May 13, 2013

After more than a year since I've posted just wanted to let others know that I am actually alive! I was working full time outside my home at Bank of America for the past year. With my two boys, a husband who is going through the CPA exams and managing Brody's care there was just too much going on to keep up with blogging. But I am back and hoping to be back in the blogging world again.