As I was thinking about my resolutions and goals for 2009 (okay its even weird to type that year) it caused me to think about 2008 and all that happened. It is not like a lot happened but thinking back throughout the year I think there was some growth (not talking about my belly) and changes in me, Jake and even Brody in many ways - physically, mentally spiritually and more.
2008 was very exciting in many ways. Jake graduated from college after 5 years of very hard work. We became pregnant with our second child. Jake got a job at Mattress Firm and has already gotten two promotions (though that doesn't come with a raise) but still an accomplishment. Brody has improved very much through therapy with his communication and social skills. Two of Jake's siblings got married.
But deeper than those changes that are easy to list, our family has increased in love, faith, understanding, hope, appreciation, respect and patience. A toddler takes a lot of patience, a husband working crummy hours takes understanding, money problems and unemployment takes humility, faith, and hope. I am not saying that Jake and I were automatically taking these changes and events with quiet, grace and dignity BUT Jake and I have been given many opportunities in the year of 2008 to be experience different things, some hardships and some have just been changes and I think we have learned a lot.
So to me goals for the new year are sort of personal so I am not going to record them in this blog. Instead I wanted to share some feelings I have had on my mind lately that I believe can relate to anyone's resolutions, wanting to progress in life and for anyone who just wants to get through their everyday life, in general.
Recently one of the leaders of my church gave a talk about hope. It is so inspiring and just utterly amazing. The subject of hope, itself, is something I am always moved by, so needless to say, his words really motivated and encouraged me to cling to hope when I am down, frustrated or in the mood to complain. Recently I have re-read some of his words:
"Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity. These three stabilize our lives regardless of the rough or uneven surfaces we might encounter at time. The scriptures are clear and certain about the importance of hope. The Apostle Paul taught that the scriptures were written to the end that we 'might have hope.' "
"Hope, on the other hand, is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances"
"Faith, hope and charity complement each other, and as one increases, the others grow as well. Hope comes of faith, for without faith, there is no hope. In like manner faith comes of hope for faith is 'substance of things hoped for.' "
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's words are wonderful to me. Through charity for others, faith in the Lord, I can hold to hope when times are tough. So hope is something I am going to ponder and work on for 2009. I would like to consider hope not just during tough times but all the time.
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