Saturday, January 19, 2008

Latest pics of Brody

I know this blog is about the Miller family but right now Brody is the easiest to take pictures of and lets admit it, he looks the cutest in the pictures.

Brody all bundled up and ready to go on a walk

Brody is hanging out with his friends on a big boy chair

Brody is like his mom when he smiles or laughs hard - he squints his eyes - so in these pictures it almost looks like his eyes are closed but they aren't, he is just laughing really hard.

Brody hanging out on a Saturday night with some popcorn and his sippy cup.

Disclaimer: Now some paranoid parents might frown at this one but I am sorry Brody loves popcorn. No one should worry too much he is always supervised when eating popcorn and he takes one at a time.

Brody just being himself and cute as ever!

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