I know that some who read this blog are not members of my own faith but an event has happened that affects me deeply. The President and Prophet of my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, passed away this evening.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has been the leader of the church I am a part of since I was 12 years old. His passing is such a sad event to me because he was the leader during such pivotal years in my life. Throughout my adolescence, when so many teenagers are searching for who they are and sometimes what their own beliefs and convictions are, my Prophet was Gordon B. Hinckley.
For those who don't know, twice a year the LDS church has a broadcasted conference where leaders of the church speak publicly. So for years I have been blessed to hear the guidence, counsel, stories, feelings and testimony of my prophet. That also held true so far in my adulthood during such events like marriage and becoming a mother. I have had the opportunity to hear his words of comfort through trials, encouragment, love and peace. His words over the years have helped me and inspired me. Though I have never met this man he has been a big influence in my life. I thank the Lord for blessing me and many throughout the world for the gift of President Hinckley and his amazing life.