Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tough day

I had a tough day with my boys.

Ryan was so cranky and wanted to be held ALL the time. He has a cold so I understand why he was such a handful.

For Brody it was a lot of things. No words or communication, pulling me all the time to try to get me to know what he wants, fixating on things he can't have or do, not eating what I want him to, messing with his poop, screaming and yelling for absolutely no reason. All of it just got to me. Again, I understand why he is this way but still frustrating.

I feel bad for my bad mood from the tough day. I feel bad for having this attitude. That is the only thing I can control and I let the things I can't control get to the one thing I can control and thus made for bad afternoon and early evening.

My penitence is posting pictures and saying publicly how much I love and adore my two boys in spite of the tough days.

Besides who can resist these adorable children...

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