I have a lot of little things I wanted to mention and post pictures about...

Firstly, beautiful little baby Maddie is getting so big and she was being adorable by putting her fists in her mouth most of the night

Second, we had Jake's family Christmas party. It was really fun. Wonderful food and then we all enjoyed the Christmas gifts from Kris and Delaina - marshmallow shooters!

Here are the wonderful women responsible for all the fun - don't let the tough facial expressions and serious weapons fool you - they are really very nice people!

Every single person in the family went to war with the marshmallow shooters. No one is sure what problem caused the war but with marshmallows shooting all around it was intense!!
[I am also not sure who won]
I wanted to mention some wonderful moments with Brody

Brody has had a few fun moments with his brother. They are small and very little moments of eye contact and, with assistance from me, some playing and giggling. But for me it is huge cause it is like Brody is on his way to comprehending who Ryan is and what a brother is!!

Also Brody has been very cuddly lately (which I always love, especially when there are many out there who say children with autism do not show affection). This was fun picture that I snapped real quick because he was sitting so cute with his Dad.

We are starting some new treatments with a DAN (Defeat Autism Now) Doctor that Brody is going to now. Jake and I strongly feel that with the continuing therapies and now the new treatments, Brody is on his way to many changes. In the meantime he has had some real good days here and there. Brody - with his therapists and teachers - has been working really hard.

Also Brody social interaction, at times, has been amazing. This past weekend he got some wonderful one-on-one time with his Aunt Delaina and she encouraged more language which he did really well with and then he played with some Lincoln Logs for a long time with her building stuff. Then the night of the family party he played Lincoln Logs with some cousins and aunts and uncles. For Brody this was so great to see. He has come such a long way and it fills Jake and I with so much hope!
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