Monday, November 17, 2008

Being Mischievous and Tired

Brody is a toddler! Yes, that is not news to anyone but he is proving to be that troublesome toddler who is a handful and at the same time adorable and when I should be disciplining, at times, I am holding back a giggle or smile! I feel, as his mother, he has been especially mischievous lately and it is accompanied with many tantrums and flat out not taking naps some days.

Recently I made our scenic pictures from our Colorado trip we took this Summer the screen saver. Brody LOVES watching the screen saver. For such a rambunctious kid its funny to see him sit so still and just watch the pictures on the computer screen. Except sometimes he is naughty and stands up on the computer chair to watch.

One day last week I was looking around the house to see where Brody was (great mothering, right). I noticed one of his cousins had left the bathroom door open and I heard something but the light was off. Then I opened the door to find Brody sitting in the sink!

Brody didn't seem to think it was a big deal. He acted as though it was as natural as sitting on the couch.

There have been quite a few days the past couple weeks where Brody didn't get to take his nap before 2 pm. A couple times we were out of the house and the rest were just him sitting in his room refusing to sleep. If he doesn't fall asleep by then I just have him stay up so that he can go to bed early. This picture and the next capture how exhausted a nap-less day is for a toddler!

Here is to the goal of more naps, even if Brody has to take a nap at 10 am!!

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