Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day this year. Jake was sweet and thoughtful and bought me beautiful flowers (picture to follow). And as if that wasn't enough (cause I would be fine with the flowers) as a gift I was able to buy all the songs and performances of Brooke on American Idol from itunes - it can really add up so it was really nice of him. We had a fabulous dinner of fish tacos with mango salsa, chips and an awesome cake with whipped cream topped with raspberries and blueberries. We relaxed by chatting and playing some games in the backyard as well as come card games. It was a wonderfully day and I am very grateful to be a mother. Brody has a smile and laugh that not only brings me joy but makes it impossible to stay mad at him. I love playing with him. He can be difficult now that he is a toddler with the tantrums and such but I just love the little guy so much. It is my hope that by this time next year I can hear him calling me "mommy".

Here are the beautiful flowers from Jake

Some played croquet - at times they had to deal with Brody moving the balls and taking those white things out of the ground (the things that you hit the ball through - not sure what they are called)

Family hangout time!!

Wonderful picture of Grandma and Evan!!

My guys!! Love this picture of them (two seconds later though Brody pulled Jake's hair and poked Jake in the eye - but at least this picture turned out)!!

The younger grandchildren hanging out - Evan Almighty and his boy Brody!

Grandma with some of the grandkids

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