Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jake's graduations party

On Saturday we had a little get together to celebrate Jake graduating. It turned out really well and I think everyone had a nice time. Thanks to all who came, it was great to see everyone. As usually I forgot to take pictures during the party because I was too busy chatting with our friends and family. But I was able to take "before the party" pictures and at least that is something.

No party is complete without some balloons!

More decor

Food station

Here is part of the menu - baked beans and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. Everything turned out delicious!

Of course a party for Jake is not a party unless the dessert of choice is German Chocolate cake and, lucky for him, Sam's Club had huge sheet cakes of it!

Not the best picture of Brody and I (especially Brody because he was very upset at the time and was crawling out of my arms). But I realized the other day that since I am always the one with the camera there are very few pictures of Brody and I so I am attempting to take more.

I love this picture - my little boy and my man!! The reason for my happiness!
Oh this one turned out SO great of both Jake and Brody. I am so happy because it is difficult to get ones where both aren't making goofy faces, closing their eyes or throwing a fit (Brody, not Jake)!

Jake had to steal a piece of cake before the party started!


Smith Crew said...

SO FUN! Really, I love your family. I love being there. I love you. I love Jake. I'm so proud of you guys (for Jake graduating and for you being so supportive of him) and I love Brody and man... feel the love :) Let's get together again soon. I mean it.

Van Dusen's said...

It really was a great party. Matt and I had such a good time. It was so fun to hang out with you guys. It was so nice to see Jake's family and your family again. I always love talking to all of them. I'm with Amber we do need to hang out.