Monday, May 26, 2008


Happy birthday to my dear sister Kinsey. She is turning 27 today. I can't say that Kinsey is the best sister because I have so many but she is a darn good one to have. We love her and think she is a wonderful older sister and aunt and sister-in-law. We hope you had a wonderful day - for once you weren't out-of-town :)

These aren't the best selection of pictures but the majority that would be fun (growing up and fun sister ones) to share are older and not from a digital camera thus not on my computer. So the first one is the more recent one with Kinsey's husband Jordan from December 07. Then one of Kinsey as a bride from January 07 and then one of Kinsey and me from my wedding in December 03.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am giving in because I have been tagged

I have read on others blogs when they get tagged and always worried if I got tagged because I have nothing interesting to share but I am going to anyway because Amber tagged me. But if you get bored while reading this just know that I don't blame you! So here it is:

Three Joys in My Life: 1) Jake 2) Brody, 3) all funny things - I know that is a broad thing to say but I love funny movies and TV shows and funny people.

Three Fears in My Life: 1) Pretty much all bugs but mostly spiders, 2) losing Jake, 3) losing Brody (I know those are dramatic but those fears run through my brain throughout the day which sucks but there it is).

Three Goals in My Life: 1) To raise children who are wonderful people 2) personally feel like I have made this world a better place even if in a small way, 3) travel more.

Three Current Obsessions: 1) Getting more involved in helping Darfur 2) Blogging - looking at other blogs and posting on my own blogs, 3) TV show Family Guy!!!

Three Random Facts: 1) I am named after the first Female Israeli Prime Minister 2) I talk way too much, 3) I have bad table manners (not the worst but pretty bad)

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Oven

It was a very, very exciting time in our house this weekend - we got a new stove. The old one was not working well at all and made making a meal pretty difficult (you shouldn't have to preheat the burners on the stove). Jake's sister Delaina, Jake and Josh helped bring it in and install. We are so blessed to have been able to replace it and have the help to bring it in and install. A new oven - it was a beautiful sight!

Old oven being taken out

Luckily it was just a plug Jake and Delaina had to deal with no a bunch of wires!!

The new being put into its new home

Ah....perfection!!!! Isn't it so pretty

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Buzzed it!!

I know Brody has gotten hair cuts before but I wanted to post these pictures because it was his first buzz cut!! Okay, so lately I have really wanted to buzz Brody's head. The reasons are two-fold 1) has gotten pretty hot already and he already sweats quite so I think he would be that much cooler with less hair 2) other reason is that he doesn't let me brush or do his hair and when it comes to church and such it looks really messy and untidy even if he is dressed nice and clean. So last night it was just me and Brody at the house so I was courageous and did it completely by myself. It doesn't look the best but he is a boy and its a buzz cut so I don't think you can notice that much.
Everyone has been going on about his surprisingly blonde hair so it still looks sort of blonde but we all think it makes him look older. The pictures don't show it that well but its better than nothing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day this year. Jake was sweet and thoughtful and bought me beautiful flowers (picture to follow). And as if that wasn't enough (cause I would be fine with the flowers) as a gift I was able to buy all the songs and performances of Brooke on American Idol from itunes - it can really add up so it was really nice of him. We had a fabulous dinner of fish tacos with mango salsa, chips and an awesome cake with whipped cream topped with raspberries and blueberries. We relaxed by chatting and playing some games in the backyard as well as come card games. It was a wonderfully day and I am very grateful to be a mother. Brody has a smile and laugh that not only brings me joy but makes it impossible to stay mad at him. I love playing with him. He can be difficult now that he is a toddler with the tantrums and such but I just love the little guy so much. It is my hope that by this time next year I can hear him calling me "mommy".

Here are the beautiful flowers from Jake

Some played croquet - at times they had to deal with Brody moving the balls and taking those white things out of the ground (the things that you hit the ball through - not sure what they are called)

Family hangout time!!

Wonderful picture of Grandma and Evan!!

My guys!! Love this picture of them (two seconds later though Brody pulled Jake's hair and poked Jake in the eye - but at least this picture turned out)!!

The younger grandchildren hanging out - Evan Almighty and his boy Brody!

Grandma with some of the grandkids

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jake's graduations party

On Saturday we had a little get together to celebrate Jake graduating. It turned out really well and I think everyone had a nice time. Thanks to all who came, it was great to see everyone. As usually I forgot to take pictures during the party because I was too busy chatting with our friends and family. But I was able to take "before the party" pictures and at least that is something.

No party is complete without some balloons!

More decor

Food station

Here is part of the menu - baked beans and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. Everything turned out delicious!

Of course a party for Jake is not a party unless the dessert of choice is German Chocolate cake and, lucky for him, Sam's Club had huge sheet cakes of it!

Not the best picture of Brody and I (especially Brody because he was very upset at the time and was crawling out of my arms). But I realized the other day that since I am always the one with the camera there are very few pictures of Brody and I so I am attempting to take more.

I love this picture - my little boy and my man!! The reason for my happiness!
Oh this one turned out SO great of both Jake and Brody. I am so happy because it is difficult to get ones where both aren't making goofy faces, closing their eyes or throwing a fit (Brody, not Jake)!

Jake had to steal a piece of cake before the party started!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jake graduated!

So yesterday was the big day! Jake's Mom, his sister Becky and I all meet up with my parents at Wells Fargo Arena for Jake's graduation from Arizona State University's WP Carey School of Business. It was the Convocation we attended (the Commencement is the whole school and the Convocation is the graduation ceremony for the individual schools within the University - its new information for me so I thought I'd share with those who didn't know). Other than it being longer than I thought it would be it was a very nice graduation and I am so happy that Jake chose to do it because, I think, it makes him feel more like a graduate. He hasn't had the most normal college experience compared to some of his classmates (you know with a wife and a child as well as always working throughout college).
There were some speakers that were nice but I was most impressed by the CEO of Petsmart. Along with him and others there was lots of talk about the difference you can make in the world. Also my favorite statement that was made by him along with the other speakers was how you should really do what you love and how that should be the main drive in your education and career.

Jake has worked so hard at school and has learned so much. I really think his mission and his college education has awakened two of the most important things and is a key to success (in my opinion) a thirst for knowledge and a firm work ethic. I am so impressed that Jake was capable throughout his college experience to balance family, work and school. He didn't always get the grades he wanted and he didn't have the extra time to get involved in extracurricular activities. I was impressed that he could get through it though. He was dedicated and I know he got this degree for himself and for us!
I would thank Jake but he never reads this blog - just wanted to brag about my man to friends and family. Also a big thanks to all the family and friends who support Jake during his college years. The help came in different forms sometimes but for everything Jake (and I) really appreciate it and he could have never have done it without you all.
Here are some pictures of the neat event!!

Before graduation (this is the closet to a Miller Family picture because Brody threw a huge toddler tantrum and refused to take a picture - not that he knew it was a picture we were trying to take but he did not want to be interrupted from what he was doing)

Showing some love to my graduate!

Here is the graduate all dressed for the event!!

Here we are in front of Wells Fargo Arena - I thought it was a good picture!!

Here is the arena before the graduates came in. I have video of parts of the ceremony but it wouldn't be as cool to anyone else so I am only posting pictures!

Here was the stage where the faculty, heads of departments, etc. were seated

Here is a poor quality picture but this is the banner or flag of the program within WP Carey School of Business. It was carried at the front of the procession of graduates from that program.

After graduation!! (The sun was bright but it was a picturesque background)

Since the graduation ceremony was during the middle of the day on a weekday not everyone in my family or Jake's could attend (which is totally okay). But Donna and Becky were able to come which was cool. My Mom and Dad and Jake's brother Josh were also there but the way it worked out after the ceremony they weren't able to get pictures of them. But for those who did come we really appreciated it!

Arizona State University

WP Carey School of Business

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Monday, May 5, 2008

Brody pictures

Here are just some random pictures of Brody that I have been meaning to share

Perfect picture of Brody being crabby!

All the pictures of Brody on the couch are to capture when Brody is a couch potatoe he really doesn't hold still.