Yes that title said this is a "spotlight" on Brody. One of the main reasons I keep this blog is to document daily life and happenings like a person would in a journal. I have a baby book for Brody but I would still like to document many of his likes and dislikes and what he is up to. Hopefully those who read will also appreciate it! (FYI - Just wanted to clarify that I probably won't spotlight anyone else)
Brody loves playing with his fire truck full of Legos (he is really lucky to have this hand-me-down from other Miller cousins). Its a great activity he can do while I get stuff done.
Brody has recently discovered he loves chocolate. He hasn't had much in his life so far but these Hershey kisses that he had around Valentine's Day he loves because they are almost bite size. He is also starting to recognize them when they are on the counter which of course leads to a wonderful tantrum!
So I have recently tried to get Brody to eat these, not as much sugar but they are still chocolate and bite size as well. He will eat them but of course there is a noticeable difference of enthusiasm.
This is the aftermath of once Brody is done playing with his books. He LOVES books. He loves to be read to and he loves to look through books on his own as well.
The picture above is just a few of the MANY books Brody has been loving lately. I can tell Brody loves these books specifically because he will bring certain books to me half a dozen times a day. Brody has impressed me and others by sitting patiently and happily through fairly long books (age at least for his age). Lets hope he keeps this habit. Jake and I would love to have a great reader!
As you can see from the picture above much of the love and attachment Brody has for Bear is because he is partially something Brody can chew on as he is teething.
Its fun to be a mom to Brody and I have loved and cherished every day with him. Even times when I get frustrated with him it is very brief because I can even see his sweet temperament underneath his tantrum. He makes me laugh and brings me joy every time he smiles. I am very thankful for the child that Jake and I have been blessed with.
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