I love Easter. Its one of those holidays that, from a young age, I have the reason for the holiday in my mind. One of the reasons might have been that my parents did a wonderful job in keeping Jesus Christ the center of the holiday. One of the traditions that I grew up with that I cherish the memories of to this day is what we did as a family on Easter morning. Just before sunrise my parents would wake up all of us kids and we would as a family go up to our the roof (in later years it was the trampoline in the backyard). Then as the sun would rise as a family we would read from the Bible the story of the Savior's Resurrection. It was such a neat experience to read about what happen on the morning of Jesus appearing Resurrected in front of the tomb. So from the time I was very young I was familiar with the story of why we celebrate Easter. True the Easter egg hunt and chocolate were a nice perk to go with the holiday but I always remembered my Savior on this glorious holiday. I always think of this picture I have included. Its a statue of Jesus Christ that is in the visitors center at the LDS temple in Mesa. It just reminds me that as much as the Jesus Christ suffered for all mankind but he also was Resurrected. The statue shows the imprints left my the nails and the suffering he endured for us.

I don't often share such personal feelings but I wanted to take this time to share with my friends and family who read this blog that I know that I am a child of God and that His son Jesus Christ suffered for my sins and for the sins of all mankind and even after death Jesus was rose on the third day and He lives. I am grateful for this amazing miracle. I hope and pray daily that I can remember His sacrifice and try to live a good life and help those around me. Now that I am a mother I am excited to raise Brody to also know Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ and that Brody is also a child of God. I believe it is important to follow the example of the Savior. While Jesus Christ was on earth He taught about kindness, charity, love, forgiveness and so many other qualities that I believe is what we all should strive to adapt in our lives. I love my Savior for all that He has done for me and for everyone else that has ever lived or will live. Sometimes I struggle with comprehending the awesome events that took place so long ago but I know in my heart and in my soul that it did happen and that I am loved by Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. I am thankful for this Easter holiday and more importantly I am thankful for WHY we celebrate this holiday!
That is such an awesome tradition your parents started with you! I've never heard of that before. I love it! I hope you guys had a lovely Easter!
You're so inspiring and beautiful. You made me tear up that's for sure. Miss you girl-- when can we hang??
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