I took some video to capture some of the fun before bedtime - as you can see everyone is in their pajamas. (Gavin was absent at this time because he was very much into watching Tom and Jerry in the other room). I have loved also seeing how much the Parker kids have adored having little cousins. Jackson is always so thoughtful and cautious with Brody and Hannah is always wanting to be silly to make Brody laugh. Gavin I guess has a more mature approach to Brody because he seems to want Brody to play on his level and I always have to remind Gavin that Brody doesn't understand. Brody may not be able to say it or even express it at times but he LOVES his cousins!
Oh Golda,
I love it he has such a great laugh I found myself giggling along with him. I miss you guys so much.
I am glad you enjoyed the video. His laugh seems contagious. We miss you both a lot!
Jackson looks so tall and thin!! I still picture him as this chubby faced smiley little toddler who loved dancing to The Strokes.
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