I know I sometimes post about Brody having autism so I don't want this to be just another one of those posts but I still felt that I should post something.
As some of you have read on the left column about the new stat of those with autism - 1 in 91 children and 1 in 58 boys. That number is so scary to me but it really shows more so that in general as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, church-goers, friends, teachers, co-workers, etc. we all need to be aware of of autism and those who are affected by it.
It has been six months since Brody was diagnosed. It has been a tough couple years but the support and love from family and friends has been so great.
I am sure soon it will be that you can't go throughout your life without at least knowing someone first-hand or a "friend of friend" that has a child with autism or an adult with autism.
If any other disease with the statistic of 1 in 91 was occurring it would be a national crisis so we should treat autism as such. Yes, nobody dies of autism but children and people with this disorder, who are given professional help and assistance are sometimes not able to function normally.
We all need to be sensitive to this disorder and all that comes with it.
Funding from private and government entities need to explore more about this disorder from possible causes to all different types of therapies and help. No blinders should be used in the process of finding the cause and the effective treatments.
As a community, nation and world we need to work together to help those who have autism and their families.
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