Friday, September 25, 2009

There are those doing better and those doing worse

Everyone complains. Everyone vents about their day. Everyone has pity parties for themselves. I have been in and out of one for months.
But when I read other people's blogs and talk to other people there is one almighty truth that is clear. No matter what you complain about or what trial you are going through there are always people who have it worse than you AND there are always people who are doing really good.
I guess the lesson there is have your moments of complaining and venting cause look at your neighbors who just bought a brand new car or boat while you struggle to get groceries. You have a right to dwell in heartache when you see other "typical" children making friends and able to go to stand in line at Disneyland. BUT don't have too long of a pity party cause there are many out there whose house has been foreclosed on or hasn't worked in a year. There are those people whose child has been in the hospital for months fighting cancer or just found out their child has a debilitating disease.
Okay that lesson was too long winded - which is one of my bad qualities I am trying to do better. So to summarize:
There are those doing better than you and there are those who are doing a lot worse so have a short moment of pity and then try to move on to just appreciating what you have - right here in the now.
Staying positive helps when you have a smile...

Brody wouldn't eat his tofu chocolate pudding so I gave it to Ryan. Couldn't be cuter!!

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