Years ago my good friend Amber shared a movie she watched a lot over the years. Great movie, very funny and last night a movie theater in Tempe was actually showing it on the big screen. We watched it to have a good "girly" time AND - for me - honor and morn the loss of Patrick Swayze. We could have chosen to watch him as a surfing bank robber, dancer, big brother to outsiders, Demi Moore-loving-Ghost or fighting the Russians in Colorado. Of course it is too much fun instead to see him as this:

Too Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar is about drag queens. Drag queens on a cross-country road trip. Two of the 3 actors are men with amazingly muscular bodies. They have incredibly tiny waists, buff arms and no hips. They have extremely flamboyant and atrocious outfits, makeup and hair. To see Vida Boheme, Noxeema Jackson and Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez is just too much fun
Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: I'm a princess. "P" to the "R" to the "N" to the "cess". I'm a princess.

Thanks Patrick, Wesley and John for making me and my girls laugh last night. Patrick we love and miss you.
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