So the process of getting Brody a diagnosis is slowly coming along. We have an appointment in October to have him seen by a psychologist through Southwest Behavioral Health. Though Brody has been seen by one before when he was about 18 months since he has not improved much the previous evaluation from more than a year and half ago no longer assures us of no autism.
The previous two appointments we had this summer were "gathering information" appointments. I didn't really get that explained to me till I got to the appointments. It just sort of sucks when I go to an appointment feeling like perhaps Brody's condition will become more clear as is the path to help him. Instead it is an hour and half of explaining to staff the things Brody doesn't do and what is wrong with him. Necessary, I know but still quite disheartening. Since I feel I have done that lots in the past year and half.
While that has gone on at the same time our pediatrician referred us a couple months ago to a developmental and behavioral pediatrician. I know we already had something going with Southwest Behavioral Health but just the same I wouldn't mind getting Brody into a couple specialists. Besides this doctor is beyond qualified and his specialty is rare so I think a diagnosis, advice and direction from him would be imperative.
It took about 6 weeks just to have an opening for new patients and then a few more weeks to even get the paperwork to fill out about Brody. They require so much information from the preschool and pasts therapist and those sort of things. I had to gather it up and send it in before our first appointment.
So I am saying all this cause yesterday was our first visit to that dr's office. It was with a nurse practitioner who specializes in the same area. It was also a "gathering information" appointment. She was really nice and really helpful with immediate advice for Brody's sleep problem (he doesn't get nearly enough and that has been since last summer - a child his age shouldn't have dark circles under his eyes). The result was what Jake and I have been preparing ourselves for - "at risk for an autistic diagnosis". Since she is a nurse she cannot give a diagnosis. That will be left up to the dr. But she went through the correct forms and checklists that shows the extreme likelihood Brody is on the Autistic Spectrum. But she said some hopeful words, "he is most likely autistic based on this information but there are many autistic habits and behaviors that Brody does not display". That might sound strange but it helps to know that if Brody is autistic he is not very severe.
I have papers and forms to fill out in preparation for the next appointment that will be with the dr. It will help come to a conclusion of where Brody might be on the Autism Spectrum. Since the dr's specialty is so rare and the rate of children with autism and disorders like it are increasing in a crazy amount it is no surprise that the soonest our next appointment can be with the dr isn't until December. Although that sucks that we have to wait I guess there isn't much I can do.
In the meantime my family and I are working towards helping Brody get healthy with more sleep and a diet that has helped many autistic children. These are the only things currently I can do to help him. We pray and hope for the best results. Also I have him back in many different therapies since he is on long term care so I am hoping between that and preschool Brody will start to slowly improve.
I am just trying to calm my brain from going back and forth from being sad about Brody's imminent diagnosis and its possible causes that frustrates me AND being hopeful for a change in Brody that I long for.
Sorry, I guess my posts have been such downers lately. But why be fake, this is my life, why act as though my life is anything but the reality that it is.
To leave on a cheerful note I will follow with pictures of my adorable boys. I love them so

Waiting for the bus and playing with cars

Always loving the outdoors

My sweet boy

As close as I could get to a picture of them both!

One of the few words he can say is "cookies"

Dressed for church - yes that is a pink shirt!!

Can you tell I love babies in "dress" clothes

This is what he looked like before I cut his "bangs" off

First time in grass