Monday, May 18, 2009

3 month olds...already?

I can't believe my baby Ryan is already 3 months old. It goes by WAY to fast.

I feel this is a magic number with babies cause they move from being a newborn to a baby. Not a big deal but again, to me, it means that much cuter, more entertaining and a little more independent.

The big strides Ryan has made in his short life is that he is out of all his newborn clothing into 3-6 months clothes. He is sleeping through the night which means he has his last feeding around 8 or 9 pm and sleeps from 10 pm to around 6 am!!! Ryan has found his thumb!! He follows people with his eyes (sometimes) and he coos and makes babbling noises. Ryan started smiling at 2 months and by now smiling a lot. Other than just before he naps or sleeps and when he needs to eat he is rarely fussy. Ryan and Brody have yet to bond but I know there is plenty of time for that.

Needless to say we are enjoying our little Ry guy lots and lots!!

Lots of smiles

And more double chins!!

I used his favorite blanket as the backdrop!

I can't believe Jake and I together make such adorable babies!!

Yeah - he found his thumb

Ryan's thumb sucking always has to be coupled with him grabbing his hair for some reason

Unfortunately, he can't always find his thumb at this point so it makes him mad

Started sleeping in his crib a few weeks ago

Nothing sweeting than the face of a sleeping baby

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