Thursday, March 27, 2008

"The Law of the Garbage Truck"

Yesterday my Dad sent me an email with the following story (some of you might have heard this already):

“Sixteen years ago when I was in New York, I hopped into the back seat of a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden a car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My cabbie slammed on his brakes, the car skidded, the tires squealed, and at the very last moment, our car stopped just one inch from the other car's back-end. I couldn't believe it. But then I couldn't believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the idiot who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us.How do I know they were bad words? Ask any New Yorker. Some words in New York come with a special face. And for emphasis, he threw in a one finger salute, as if his words were not enough.But then here's what really blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said,"Why did you just do that!? This guy could have killed us!" And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call: "The Law of the Garbage Truck." He said:"Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you.""So when someone wants to dump on me, I don't take it personally. I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. I'm happier for it."So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? How often do I then take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? It was then that I said,"I don't want their garbage and I'm not going to spread it anymore." I began to see Garbage Trucks. Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said,"I see Dead People." Well now "I see Garbage Trucks."I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to dump it. And like my taxi driver, I don't take it personally; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.Roy Baumeister, a psychology researcher from Florida State University, found in his extensive research that we remember the bad things more often than the good things in our lives. We store the bad memories more easily, and we recall them more frequently.So the odds are against us when a Garbage Truck comes our way. But when we follow The Law of the Garbage Truck, we take back control of our life. We make room for the good by letting go of the bad.The best leaders know that they have to be ready for their next meeting. The best sales people know that they have to be ready for their next client. And the best parents know that they have to be ready to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses, no matter how many garbage trucks they might have faced that day.We have to be fully present, and at our best for the people we care about.”~ On the internet there are two authors shown for the above story - David J. Pollay and Leafie O. Austin ~

I wanted to share that story because I feel this it is a wonderful story that illustrates a principal that I would like to strive to apply to my life. I know it would help me to be a happier person. I included this in a post because perhaps anyone who reads this blog would feel that same way after reading the story.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pictures from Easter weekend

So here are a few pictures from the Easter celebration from Saturday of this weekend at our house. Like on many holidays Brody slept through almost all of it - the food, egg hunt and egg coloring. I really don't care because I am don't think he is at that level of comprehension yet so its not like he feels like he missed anything. But the rest of the family had a lovely time.

Sarah and Jared tried to get Evan to get some eggs but he was more excited about the car and the noisy buttons.

But there is some evidence of him holding an egg!

Gavin and Hannah are counting up their stash of eggs they found

Here are the Easter baskets Grandma Donna put together for the grandkids

Hannah and Jackson enjoying candy from the baskets

The before picture of egg coloring - very nice and neat (I actually didn't get an after picture so we'll just pretend there was a big mess afterwards)

Sarah helping Evan dye his eggs - we weren't sure what colors he approved of but he seemed to be satisfied with Sarah's work!

Hannah is having a wonderful time being artistic with her egg coloring

Jackson's finished product

Evan wants to join in but I guess he wants to dye eggs with no mommy supervision

Gavin is very proud of his beautiful eggs

Brody is dressed in his church outfit for Easter Sunday that Grammie Lewis bought for him

He looks so handsome (that was the best I could get his hair - he gets so mad when I try to do it which is unfortunate cause his hair sticks up so easily)

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I didn't get a chance this year to send out very many Easter cards. I wanted all who read this blog to know that I wish them and their family a very Happy Easter!

I love Easter. Its one of those holidays that, from a young age, I have the reason for the holiday in my mind. One of the reasons might have been that my parents did a wonderful job in keeping Jesus Christ the center of the holiday. One of the traditions that I grew up with that I cherish the memories of to this day is what we did as a family on Easter morning. Just before sunrise my parents would wake up all of us kids and we would as a family go up to our the roof (in later years it was the trampoline in the backyard). Then as the sun would rise as a family we would read from the Bible the story of the Savior's Resurrection. It was such a neat experience to read about what happen on the morning of Jesus appearing Resurrected in front of the tomb. So from the time I was very young I was familiar with the story of why we celebrate Easter. True the Easter egg hunt and chocolate were a nice perk to go with the holiday but I always remembered my Savior on this glorious holiday. I always think of this picture I have included. Its a statue of Jesus Christ that is in the visitors center at the LDS temple in Mesa. It just reminds me that as much as the Jesus Christ suffered for all mankind but he also was Resurrected. The statue shows the imprints left my the nails and the suffering he endured for us.

I don't often share such personal feelings but I wanted to take this time to share with my friends and family who read this blog that I know that I am a child of God and that His son Jesus Christ suffered for my sins and for the sins of all mankind and even after death Jesus was rose on the third day and He lives. I am grateful for this amazing miracle. I hope and pray daily that I can remember His sacrifice and try to live a good life and help those around me. Now that I am a mother I am excited to raise Brody to also know Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ and that Brody is also a child of God. I believe it is important to follow the example of the Savior. While Jesus Christ was on earth He taught about kindness, charity, love, forgiveness and so many other qualities that I believe is what we all should strive to adapt in our lives. I love my Savior for all that He has done for me and for everyone else that has ever lived or will live. Sometimes I struggle with comprehending the awesome events that took place so long ago but I know in my heart and in my soul that it did happen and that I am loved by Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. I am thankful for this Easter holiday and more importantly I am thankful for WHY we celebrate this holiday!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Yes more pictures but Brody is just so cute I had to!

Brody in his new seat which makes him feel like a big boy

From this view you'd think he was sitting that tall on his own!
Two boys who love books - Brody and Gavin (I included this picture even though I feel like, as in most pictures, I look huge)
Donna's friend and co-worker Andrea has an adorable little boy, Hunter and the other day he came to hang out with Brody.
They found something to bond over - the love of popcorn!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More pictures

Here are some cute pictures of Brody playing outside and then some of his second haircut.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My sister Koria

I have 5 siblings and I love them all so much. They all have so many remarkable qualities and talents. I don’t want to take away from anyone else but today I would like to focus and brag about one in particular, my younger sister Koria. Koria has been living in Utah for a while going to Esthetician school. This weekend she came down for a visit. It was fun to have her around, even if for a little while. While she was here I really noticed how different she has become. I think it’s mostly because Koria has become her own person, an individual. Now she is still just 19 and she hasn’t been away from home for a really long time but in the short time she has been gone I think it has made an affect on her. Before Koria left she gave me a copy of a poem she wrote. One of the impressive things was that the poem demonstrated some of Koria’s growth and maturity. Not only is the poem really great but I didn’t even realize Koria had that talent. I liked the poem so much I wanted to share it with the people who reads this blog:

By Koria Jo Lewis

I have four sisters, seems like a lot
Especially when I think of the times we fought
But having a sister or sisters is the same for everyone
We tend to be very honest with each other
And not in the same way as a brother
We always point out the little flaws
Our intentions are good but out come the claws
Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental issues
When its all said guaranteed someone needs tissues
So how then do sisters have such a special connection?
When the need is great not a minute too late out comes affection
Flaws aren’t all sisters see, we can sense the pain every once and a while
Sisters can see the hurt in each others eyes when the world is fooled by a smile
And its then you know that your sisters words are needed
Sisters are willing to give them even if you haven’t pleaded
She’ll tell you what you need to do with out causing a fight
And if she’s wrong she’ll still tell you everything will be alright
Either way her words are full of love and comfort
Friends just can’t always take away the hurt
You were raised with your sister or sisters
You’ve seen all each others blood and blisters
Sisters are all the same even if we’re different
Even if they don’t give back the shirt you leant
Who would I be with out my sisters?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More fun with cousins

Tonight we got together with Donna's sister Joyce who is in town from Colorado and some of her family. Joyce's Granddaughter is a wonderful little girl and the Parker kids have so much fun with her. Brody also really likes being around her. Here are some pictures and another fun video. I apologize for the away I filmed the kids but I didn't know it would come out like that. Hopefully you can still enjoy the video.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fun Friday night with the cousins

While Jake's sister Melissa and her husband Jack are out of town Grandma Donna is taking care of their kids Hannah, Jackson and Gavin. For a fun Friday night they spent the night here. Brody has really been enjoying playing with his older cousins lately. Its so great to see them play and interact, especially due to Brody's social delay. For some reason he interacts a little more with his older cousins (perhaps all little kids are like that, it sure seems to be the case at times).

I took some video to capture some of the fun before bedtime - as you can see everyone is in their pajamas. (Gavin was absent at this time because he was very much into watching Tom and Jerry in the other room). I have loved also seeing how much the Parker kids have adored having little cousins. Jackson is always so thoughtful and cautious with Brody and Hannah is always wanting to be silly to make Brody laugh. Gavin I guess has a more mature approach to Brody because he seems to want Brody to play on his level and I always have to remind Gavin that Brody doesn't understand. Brody may not be able to say it or even express it at times but he LOVES his cousins!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Spotlight on Brody

Yes that title said this is a "spotlight" on Brody. One of the main reasons I keep this blog is to document daily life and happenings like a person would in a journal. I have a baby book for Brody but I would still like to document many of his likes and dislikes and what he is up to. Hopefully those who read will also appreciate it! (FYI - Just wanted to clarify that I probably won't spotlight anyone else)

Brody loves playing with his fire truck full of Legos (he is really lucky to have this hand-me-down from other Miller cousins). Its a great activity he can do while I get stuff done.

Brody has recently discovered he loves chocolate. He hasn't had much in his life so far but these Hershey kisses that he had around Valentine's Day he loves because they are almost bite size. He is also starting to recognize them when they are on the counter which of course leads to a wonderful tantrum!

So I have recently tried to get Brody to eat these, not as much sugar but they are still chocolate and bite size as well. He will eat them but of course there is a noticeable difference of enthusiasm.

This is the aftermath of once Brody is done playing with his books. He LOVES books. He loves to be read to and he loves to look through books on his own as well.

The picture above is just a few of the MANY books Brody has been loving lately. I can tell Brody loves these books specifically because he will bring certain books to me half a dozen times a day. Brody has impressed me and others by sitting patiently and happily through fairly long books (age at least for his age). Lets hope he keeps this habit. Jake and I would love to have a great reader!

I love children's books and the books above in the picture above are a few books I keep trying to read to Brody and he just doesn't have much of an interest. Maybe soon he will enjoy them or I will just accept it and stop trying to force them on him!

This picture is of Brody's "Bear" as we call him (for Family Guy fans Jake and I want Brody to refer to him as Rupert when he starts talking). Bear is Brody's version of a blanky. He can't sleep without it. He loves on it so much. Because it is very much like a blanket except for the head I have to make sure it doesn't get carried around the house during the day. It gets dirty SO fast.

As you can see from the picture above much of the love and attachment Brody has for Bear is because he is partially something Brody can chew on as he is teething.

Brody got his first tooth when he was 3 months old and that for some reason made him not take a binky and he doesn't suck his thumb so Bear is also his only thing he has that can sooth him.

Brody LOVES playing with trains. His friend Gage has worn off on him and now Brody loves Thomas the Train videos and he loves setting up his tracks and pushing the trains around. Brody was lucky enough to get hand-me-down tracks and a couple trains. Hopefully someday he can get some more. Again, its great to see him play for a while and be preoccupied by a toy and not be constantly entertained by adults. Selfishly I love it because I can get stuff done around the house. Brody is also getting pretty good at setting up the tracks on his own.

Its fun to be a mom to Brody and I have loved and cherished every day with him. Even times when I get frustrated with him it is very brief because I can even see his sweet temperament underneath his tantrum. He makes me laugh and brings me joy every time he smiles. I am very thankful for the child that Jake and I have been blessed with.