Disappointing news for our family yesterday: the New England Patriots lost to the Eli Manning lead New York Giants.
The final score was 17-14. It was an intense game at times and it was a lot lower scoring than most probably would have guessed. I will say, in my opinion, Tom Brady still looked great the whole time.

I have been so annoyed during this pre-primary election season. All the political analyst, 24-hour news channels, pollsters, and all the other press who theorize and guess who is winning before the election. So one of the reasons I am happy tomorrow is Super Tuesday because it is one step closer to it being all over.
I am so excited to vote also because I have always thought of it as a privelige because there are so many around the world who don't have that right. As Americans we can't take it for granted. We all have to go out and vote. No matter what party or candidate you favor.

Tomorrow night at 7 Arizona time American Idol is on and my friend Brooke White will probably be performing. Now I still don't think the episodes have started where "American Votes" but even so, please tune in and watch Brooke. That way you can at least decide if you really think she is talented and that is why you will vote for her and not because I want you to. She was on a preview of the show during the Superbowl commericals and it looks like it will be so great!!
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