I am attempting to play catch up. Looking for a home for us, school and everyday stuff of taking care of kids has made me really behind in blogging and I have had the little post here and there but there has been more I wanted to say. Here are just a few things:
So since March of 2009 our little Brody has been going to the East Mesa Early Childhood Education Center (EMECEC is what people call it).
When Brody first started going we of course were thinking it was just a speech and social delay but not a little over two years later he has autism.
In the meantime this has been a wonderful classroom and program for him.

There is the teacher Ms. Amy and her two aides Ms. Carol and Ms. Sue. Then there is also the ever amazing speech pathologist for the classroom Ms. Connie

These excellent women and educators have loved our little Brody and his precious smile for the past two years. He has not made the progress we originally hoped and prayed for but Brody has improved SO much over the past two years and I know a huge part has been his time at preschool.

Last Thursday was his last official day of preschool. He is done and ready to move onto Kindergarten this fall. Naturally I got teary eyed. I brought presents and thank you cards to the ladies. It is tough because Brody doesn't understand plus he cannot show the gratitude. Hopefully I was able to convey our deep appreciation!

Ryan's most recent discovery "ditar" as he calls it!

He is so adorable and cute when he even sees one he lights up and has to play it. We are working on strumming the guitar and not pulling on the strings.

Over last holiday weekend we took the boys bowling. We didn't have the time or money (or maturity) for the entire family to go out of town so we decided to go bowling for fun. For kids my children's age they have this metal ramp to push the bowling ball off.

They didn't have shoes small enough for Ryan but Brody looked adorable in his bowling shoes.

Ryan yelled the colors of the balls for all to hear and wanted to bring all of them over to our lane.

Brody had previously gone bowling with a habilitation group for a community outing so we knew he would be okay - Ryan on the other hand was a different story....

He liked it and did really well the first like 20 or 25 minutes. After that he just wanted to be in the arcade area and play the games - which is kind of funny but made for some screaming when he couldn't.

We had a lot of fun with our little family with an extra day off. It has been so nice since Daddy has not had so much going on to have more time with me and the little boys.

It was a fun outing to bowl but sort of funny how badly Jake and I did while Brody WON THE GAME!

Here is the proof. Brody got 3 STRIKES. Okay, I realize he has that little ramp but still pretty funny and pretty cool!! Or does it mean Jake and I are lame at bowling? I think I am especially pathetic (though it has been years since I have bowled. I lost - even Ryan did better)!

Our little baby bowler - almost 5 years old and almost in Kindergarten!!
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