Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It seems I only have something to post about if I want to vent about something

Record happenings in my life

or on a rare occasion have something random to say

Some people have funny blogs or they write wonderfully and it is always entertaining to read their blog. I also just love looking at ones with lots of pictures of their family.

My blog has none of that. I am only funny accidentally and blogging is a very purposeful thing to do so usually there is nothing funny.

So I am putting a wish out there for me to become a Tina Fey type person with something funny or witty to say. Or a wish to become the type of mother or wife that bakes, wears red lipstick and creates crafty stuff all day. Either would make for a much more entertaining blog.

In the meantime have fun reading my 'blah' blog!

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