I do not normally want or try to stir the 'pot'. I do not normally post about controversial issues. I do not normally buy into conspiracy theories. I don't believe in aliens. I don't think Elvis is still alive and I do not think the government was responsible for 9/11. I am a reasonable person.
But I just watched and read something that overwhelmed me. I just want to share it with as many people who would listen.
As a disclaimer - I am not that parent of a child with autism who blames vaccines. I still believe vaccines are a medical advancement. But like many things in life there needs to be a safe and moderate way of using this advancement.
I really don't think I am that parent who blames vaccines for where my son is at in life. Antibiotics, weak immune system, ear infections and vaccines were all factors that brought Brody to where he is today. I firmly believe that. I saw my son change before my eyes, in his personality, his eyes and his developmental skills and milestones. The proof is my own child (I borrowed that last line from my girl Jenny McCarthy).
But with a problem like autism there are many sides and contributions to the problem. Therefore to properly solve the problem as well as other medical issues, no blinders should be worn while looking at possible causes and solutions.
No matter how you slice it or dice it vaccines are an issue
Call it a trigger, call it a factor, no matter what look at vaccines and its relation to problems that a child later experiences.
Understand vaccines. It is a business as well as a tool doctors use.
Be the person who makes the informed decisions on behalf of your children
The issue is not black and white
The gray area is that you can vaccinate your child but do it the way you as a parent want to. Less vaccines, break up how many shots the child receives or whatever you want to do.
Please do not blindly trust. We as parents have no ulterior motive for our concern and the other side does - MONEY!
I blindly trusted my son's doctor and now all I can do is look back and wish I had done research, read books or at least just taken a second to slow down and question something.
As the years have gone by I hear more and more that supports my hesitation
If you are having a baby or have little ones that still get vaccines PLEASE READ and
WATCH (clink on the link)!
I would rather look back and know I made an informed decision rather that be filled with regret.
P.S. I also know that I did things differently with my other son Ryan (who had a 50% chance of having autism since he had a sibling with it). He was EXACTLY like Brody up until Brody was a year old. I did things differently and now Ryan is a typical functioning child. To me this is also my proof.