Saturday, May 28, 2011

End of school, little guitar player and baby bowler

I am attempting to play catch up. Looking for a home for us, school and everyday stuff of taking care of kids has made me really behind in blogging and I have had the little post here and there but there has been more I wanted to say. Here are just a few things:

So since March of 2009 our little Brody has been going to the East Mesa Early Childhood Education Center (EMECEC is what people call it).

When Brody first started going we of course were thinking it was just a speech and social delay but not a little over two years later he has autism.

In the meantime this has been a wonderful classroom and program for him.

There is the teacher Ms. Amy and her two aides Ms. Carol and Ms. Sue. Then there is also the ever amazing speech pathologist for the classroom Ms. Connie

These excellent women and educators have loved our little Brody and his precious smile for the past two years. He has not made the progress we originally hoped and prayed for but Brody has improved SO much over the past two years and I know a huge part has been his time at preschool.
Last Thursday was his last official day of preschool. He is done and ready to move onto Kindergarten this fall. Naturally I got teary eyed. I brought presents and thank you cards to the ladies. It is tough because Brody doesn't understand plus he cannot show the gratitude. Hopefully I was able to convey our deep appreciation!

Ryan's most recent discovery "ditar" as he calls it!

He is so adorable and cute when he even sees one he lights up and has to play it. We are working on strumming the guitar and not pulling on the strings.

Over last holiday weekend we took the boys bowling. We didn't have the time or money (or maturity) for the entire family to go out of town so we decided to go bowling for fun. For kids my children's age they have this metal ramp to push the bowling ball off.

They didn't have shoes small enough for Ryan but Brody looked adorable in his bowling shoes.

Ryan yelled the colors of the balls for all to hear and wanted to bring all of them over to our lane.

Brody had previously gone bowling with a habilitation group for a community outing so we knew he would be okay - Ryan on the other hand was a different story....

He liked it and did really well the first like 20 or 25 minutes. After that he just wanted to be in the arcade area and play the games - which is kind of funny but made for some screaming when he couldn't.

We had a lot of fun with our little family with an extra day off. It has been so nice since Daddy has not had so much going on to have more time with me and the little boys.

It was a fun outing to bowl but sort of funny how badly Jake and I did while Brody WON THE GAME!

Here is the proof. Brody got 3 STRIKES. Okay, I realize he has that little ramp but still pretty funny and pretty cool!! Or does it mean Jake and I are lame at bowling? I think I am especially pathetic (though it has been years since I have bowled. I lost - even Ryan did better)!

Our little baby bowler - almost 5 years old and almost in Kindergarten!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It seems I only have something to post about if I want to vent about something

Record happenings in my life

or on a rare occasion have something random to say

Some people have funny blogs or they write wonderfully and it is always entertaining to read their blog. I also just love looking at ones with lots of pictures of their family.

My blog has none of that. I am only funny accidentally and blogging is a very purposeful thing to do so usually there is nothing funny.

So I am putting a wish out there for me to become a Tina Fey type person with something funny or witty to say. Or a wish to become the type of mother or wife that bakes, wears red lipstick and creates crafty stuff all day. Either would make for a much more entertaining blog.

In the meantime have fun reading my 'blah' blog!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Parent is a child's only true advocate

I do not normally want or try to stir the 'pot'. I do not normally post about controversial issues. I do not normally buy into conspiracy theories. I don't believe in aliens. I don't think Elvis is still alive and I do not think the government was responsible for 9/11. I am a reasonable person.

But I just watched and read something that overwhelmed me. I just want to share it with as many people who would listen.

As a disclaimer - I am not that parent of a child with autism who blames vaccines. I still believe vaccines are a medical advancement. But like many things in life there needs to be a safe and moderate way of using this advancement.

I really don't think I am that parent who blames vaccines for where my son is at in life. Antibiotics, weak immune system, ear infections and vaccines were all factors that brought Brody to where he is today. I firmly believe that. I saw my son change before my eyes, in his personality, his eyes and his developmental skills and milestones. The proof is my own child (I borrowed that last line from my girl Jenny McCarthy).

But with a problem like autism there are many sides and contributions to the problem. Therefore to properly solve the problem as well as other medical issues, no blinders should be worn while looking at possible causes and solutions.

No matter how you slice it or dice it vaccines are an issue

Call it a trigger, call it a factor, no matter what look at vaccines and its relation to problems that a child later experiences.

Understand vaccines. It is a business as well as a tool doctors use.

Be the person who makes the informed decisions on behalf of your children

The issue is not black and white

The gray area is that you can vaccinate your child but do it the way you as a parent want to. Less vaccines, break up how many shots the child receives or whatever you want to do.

Please do not blindly trust. We as parents have no ulterior motive for our concern and the other side does - MONEY!

I blindly trusted my son's doctor and now all I can do is look back and wish I had done research, read books or at least just taken a second to slow down and question something.

As the years have gone by I hear more and more that supports my hesitation

If you are having a baby or have little ones that still get vaccines PLEASE READ and WATCH (clink on the link)!

I would rather look back and know I made an informed decision rather that be filled with regret.

P.S. I also know that I did things differently with my other son Ryan (who had a 50% chance of having autism since he had a sibling with it). He was EXACTLY like Brody up until Brody was a year old. I did things differently and now Ryan is a typical functioning child. To me this is also my proof.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Motherhood brings me closer to God

Ryan just born
Brody just born

It will be Mother's Day in a couple days. I wanted to record somehow my feelings about my role as a parent - which for me particularly is motherhood.

Since becoming a mother almost 5 years ago I have had, like millions of other parents, ups and downs of parenthood. The good, the bad, things that bring smiles, giggling and joy but also the times of sadness and heartache. As a parent I don't have entire control over my children. Sure, I wish they would listen to me all the time and they would understand why I want them to listen to me.

But even as my almost 5 year old and my 2 year old would prove - that is the reality of the life as a parent - I am sure that is true no matter which age your child is.

When I first held Brody right after he came into this world I felt this surge of emotional and spiritual feelings I could not quite process at the time. But the feelings were overwhelming. Many say they knew they were experiencing a new kind of love when they first held and looked at their child. I felt that for sure but the feelings I had then has now just become stronger and stronger over the years, especially when I had another child two years ago.

What I felt when I first held my little Brody was - I now have a small idea of how our Heavenly Father feels about me and the rest of his children on this earth. Also I knew why I was suppose to have children and be a parent and mother.

I believe we are all children of Heavenly Father. In a very small way each family unit here on earth is a glimpse of who the Lord is and how our Heavenly family exists. We are all brothers and sisters and we are children of Heavenly Father. He wants all of us to love each and care for one another. I know I feel that way about my two little boys. He knows the experiences we have on earth. He is always present in our lives. I am sure he gets frustrated and sad for us as we make mistakes, experience pain, illnesses, cause pain to others, feel heartache and not reach our true potential in life.

As soon as I had Brody I understood why for me I was a mother. It was not just because I got pregnant or because I had the ability to do so. It was not just because it was the next thing to do in life. It was to grow closer to my Heavenly Father. To understand as much as I could that the way I look and see my children is (in similar ways) how our Heavenly Father see all of us.

I do all I can for my children. At this point in their lives many of their needs are significantly earthly, providing food, shelter, clothes and other basic needs. But in my lifetime and that of my children, the experience is meant to mirror that of our Heavenly Father. His love is never-ending. He wants us to find happiness. He most certainly hates to see us experience pain and sadness. I remember the first time Brody cried in pain as a newborn. I literally felt my heart hurt and my stung from holding back the tears. I wanted to stop what was happening and comfort my baby. I know, though different, that is what God wants to do for us. Just like God, we as parents have to let our children experience life and learn from mistakes. But man, how tough is that for us and I am sure our Heavenly Father.

I love my Heavenly Father and I know that what He wants for me is what I want for my own children. Therefore, on this mother's day I am grateful that being a parent has helped me love and see my Heavenly Father in a new perspective. Since having my babies I have tried to, if nothing else, make sure they always feel loved. I say it to them all the time, I make sure they feel it with lots of hugging and kissing and that our home is always filled with lots of love.

Happy Mother's Day to all women. I wish happiness to all parents, every shape and form. May love fill each one of us and overflow to those who surround us.