Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So over the weekend Jake and I had a little getaway. We did it last year a few months after Ryan was born. With Jake having work and school as well as me with the two active little boys it was so nice (plus I just finishe my first two classes at U of P). We did the same this year. It was wonderful and relaxing. A funny thing that happened, and I had to share pictures, was a bit of an accident I had. I was climbing into the bathtub and slipped a bit and my one leg that I hadn't yet put into the tub banged against the tile just outside the bathtub. That was on Saturday night. Today is Wednesday and below is the bruise. It just looked SO bad that I had to take a picture or two. You can't really tell cause it is a close up and I have pretty chubby thighs but it is pretty swollen too!

Jake said the coloring of my bruise looked like the ones that Brett Favre got at the end of last NFL season. I was so proud that Brett's tough football injury is similar in some way as my bruise....

what do you think

Okay, he got those from playing football and I was slipping in the bathtub - so maybe I am not tough but I didn't cry when I got hurt so that is at least some form of being tough...???

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