Ryan is wanting to be like his big brother and color

I was trying to snap a picture of a rare moment when Brody was willing to sit next to Ryan but Brody was quick to get off the chair once the camera came out

A little out of focus but he is still cute when he is trying to play

Brody is in the habit of just before he is suppose to go to bed he gets his bear, pillow and a blanket and will lay by us on the couch...sort of too cute to resist and he is allowed to stay up a little later than he should

He is becoming such a big kid!

Still mischievous though!

Trevor laid down by Brody the other day while was watching something and as soon as he did Brody got right up on Trevor as if he were a chair. He wasn't trying to be silly, I guess Brody just finds that a suitable place to sit!

LOVES the Color Wonder makers and coloring books...okay I LOVE THEM but he really likes coloring Mater and McQueen. It is funny though cause it does take a second for the color to show up so Brody feels he needs to push as hard as he can on the marker...needless to say we need to buy more markers!!
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