Jake finished his first week at University of Phoenix. While he is in training he has a different schedule. It is weird getting used to his new schedule and that his days off are on the weekend. It is nice to temporarily have him home around 5 everyday. Soon he is going to start school. He is so excited about it and we are really hoping his masters in accounting can get him in the direction he wants to go in.
My little sister Koria leaves on her mission to Argentina on Wednesday. Today we will go support her when she speaks at church. I am so happy that she is going. I have so much respect for anyone who dedicates their time to serving the Lord. We will miss her a lot but we are proud of her. When Koria comes back Ryan will be about 2 years old and Brody will be a few months shy of 5 years old!! Crazy to think about it in that way.
My little ones had more ear infections last weekend and some of this week. Lots of fussiness. I had to move up the appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. I need to hurry and get tubes in those boys' ears. I can't stand them being sick one week, antibiotics the next. It hinders development in my opinion. Brody doesn't eat, sleep or act normal when sick, as do most kids but he has three ear infections in just less than 2 months. With all of Brody's ear infections combined with his delays I am worried for Ryan and hoping that once the tubes are in hopefully he will talk on time.
On that note there has been lots going on with Brody. He is mimicking more and trying to talk more. Saying the first part of a few words BUT at the same time his behavior has gotten worse. I can't explain it properly but as his mother who is always around him I have noticed it. I am trying to not get discouraged. Some of the "lots going on with Brody" that I was referring to means lots of appointments. We are trying to get Brody a diagnosis. His special ed teachers from summer school think it is more than just delays (which is what we were told originally when he was 18 months). But the school won't re-evaluate till he is transitioning to Kindergarten and that is two years away and if there is something more going on with him I AM NOT WAITING THAT LONG. Jake and I then decided to see if our insurance would pay for an evaluation. It has to be by a psychologist or medical doctor. So we have appointments with a 0-5 years old specialist this month and then a psychologist in October. Then Brody's pediatrician is referring us to a developmental Dr. We are waiting on some paper work before that appointment can be set up. Unfortunately that one will still probably take a while since he is a specialist Dr. and they are always booked. But I am very eager for that appointment cause that Dr is part of Arizona Child Study Center at St. Joseph's Hospital. So those appointments coming up should really help us know once and for all if Brody just has delays or if it something more serious (some have suggested Autism Spectrum Disorder).
Also we got some bittersweet news this week as well. Brody qualified for Arizona Long Term Care. It is not great news in that it means there is enough wrong with Brody for him to qualify but it is great news cause while Brody is in preschool he could not receive any other therapy unless he was on Long Term Care. So now, in addition to special ed preschool, Brody can have individual speech therapy, occupational therapy and habilitation to work on some goals.
I am trying to stay positive. Some days it is difficult. But many family and friends pray for us. We have lots of support. Other days I very much realize that things could be worse with Brody. He is healthy and happy. Brody starts school again later this week. I am sure more improvements will be made through school.
Oh and I almost forgot...Ryan now has two teeth
My boys can be a handful but I love my children and I am grateful for all that our family has been blessed with!

One of the things Brody has loved to do is color. But he wants someone to color with him. This picture is from the other day when Jake was coloring with him and that combined with no nap that day meant....
He fell asleep while Jake was coloring with him
Despite the handful Brody can be with the screaming and tantrums he is such a fun little boy and we are thankful for him and his beautiful smile
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