Since Jake started working at Mattress Firm he has had to work most weekends. This has been a huge adjustment for our family. Jake and I, as well as many others, have had the idea of a Saturday and Sunday off to relax, work on the house, go to church and spend time with family, as a given! I will no longer take it for granted! Jake was able to have Saturday (yesterday) off.

It was wonderful to have Jake here. We went for a walk in the morning, later ran errands and played with Brody. Then came afternoon and with it important college football. We splurged and bought a bag of chips, cookies and some soda. These were necessary ingredients to truly enjoy a Saturday filled with many football games. Even though I haven't grown up being an avid football fan or much of one at all, since marrying Jake I have become more educated in the sport (though don't quiz me next time you see me...I admit I know more than before - which was nothing). But I don't sit and watch sports on my own. Watching sports over the years has been about Jake and I watching something Jake loves that I have grown to enjoy as well. I ask questions, we make fun of the commentators and occasionally I will throw in comments about good looking players!

Saturday ended on a bittersweet note (fans of college football you already know). A couple of the teams part of the Pac 10 had some pathetic games yesterday. Jake was so mad once the day was done and over with. Jake doesn't like BYU's football team, especially when they play a Pac 10 team. So when BYU scored 59 points and UCLA ended the game with a 0 - needless to say it was difficult for him to watch. Also ASU getting defeated by UNLV (20 - 23) was very frustrating for him (I mean its UNLV)!! At least USC beat Ohio St so at least it wasn't all bad.
It was a fun day and I loved spending time with Jake, even while he is mad at an entire football team and their coach. Here is hoping for more weekends off OR a better job to come along at some point that will bring back the luxury of working only weekdays!!
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