Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Have I Done to Offend?

Oh Ryan!

What have I done to make you mad?

What have I done that makes you scream?

You cannot always color and it especially cannot be on the walls, floors, computer, books and couches.

You cannot always throw your snack out of your bowl and spread it around the house.

You cannot always stay outside in the heat.

I cannot let you go around without a diaper.

I cannot let you eat the same food item the dog licked...don't worry I know it feels like I am taking food away from you but I am protecting you from dog spit!

I cannot spend my ENTIRE day spinning you in the office chair.

Please remember I do not always yell and scream and I am not a mother who beats her kids - so in a lot of ways it could be worse...

Though you have been acting lately like your life is miserable.

This makes me sad cause you are so darn cute! So please cheer up because I just love you to pieces and with all the screaming and crying I feel like you want to be with another mommy and another family....though with all the screaming and crying I am beginning to entertain the idea :)

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