Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lame to others but exciting for us

I have known for a while I am a lame mom. I do not have very clean children all the time. I am not clean all the time myself. I do not dress very nice cause every time I do my clothes are left stained and ruined from children or klutzy moments. It is a good day if I have showered the night before and I am dressed for the day before 9 am! I do not do crafts and my house is not even really decorated let alone the way I want it. It is not that all of that is lame since it is mostly due to being the mother of small children but the fact that I am okay with a life like that is lame.

But I knew I was truly lame when I couple weeks ago we made a purchase that was almost as exciting as having another child....

We now own a minivan!! We tried to deny how functional and helpful a minivan would be. Then over time we saw how it would be awesome to own one. The DVD player keeps Ryan from screaming the entire time we are in the car longer 5 minutes. And the door opening at the push of a button keeps Brody's attention from darting to the street to darting to the van. I wish it was a cool looking car but lets face it nobody ever really look very good with a car full of kids anyway (but that could be a cool concept for the next Fast and Furious movie)!

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