Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to my man and my little boy

Jake turned 29 on February 12th

Ryan turned 2 on February 13th
I will turn 28 on February 19th

So we had one big party yesterday. It was fun, despite all the crankiness of Ryan (who is most likely teething) and Jake not wanting to get any older - it is always nice to surrounded by family.
P.S. Ryan has been obsessed with "birthdays" for literally months. Every light is a birthday, we sing the song and then he blows it out. He always pretends to blow things last night should have been extra awesome for him. There he was with three little candles on top of cupcakes and what did he do - just stared at the lights as if he had no idea what he was suppose to do!! It was just to funny :)

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