Friday, January 28, 2011

Needed break

So life has been extra hectic lately. I don't think one week has gone by in months without having 1-2 appointments every week with either a doctor, agency or something relating to Brody's 'special needs' -not that that is the intention of that label but I am using it as such right now.

My calendar is so full of appointments (yes this is the first time I have actually purchased a huge folder with a calender in order to keep track of everything). Though it makes for a hectic life to have all these appointments and meetings because they are always in addition to the everyday normal things like school, caring for children and house. I realize people have a lot more going on in life but consider I only have two children and they are 2 and 4 years old. It is not like I am in the phase of children who have a bunch of after school programs and I am not working.

I am not complaining just an explanation of where the hectic life stems from.

This is good because it means there are many avenues and places Brody is getting help. From services from DDD that allow Brody to have therapy to doctors that are aiding in his digestive system to improve all go into helping Brody.

This weekend I am lucky enough to have a short break and getaway. It is all made possible by my best friends and my ever amazing and capable husband.

I feel very lucky and blessed. Many women who are mothers do not have husband's in graduate school that are so willing to take over the primary role of caregiver at the drop of a hat or have friends who make the getaway so convenient and simple.

I will try to remember to take pictures so that I remember the getaway. Also I will make sure to be grateful and enjoy the moment instead of being one of those mothers who are away to have a break but still think and worry about what is going on at home!

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