Sunday, January 17, 2010

11 months old!

Totally spaced it and forgot to post on January 13 about Ryan turning 11 months. I like to keep record and every month post pictures and share a little bit about him - at least the first year.

My little baby is not so little and not that much of a baby

Ryan is a spitfire of a child who is sweet and cuddly one minute but thrashing in your arms the next trying to get to something or somewhere. When someone vacuums you think he was a lion after his prey. Ryan cracks me up. He has the most adorable smile and his little babbling is just so precious. Ryan is anxious to be bigger and play with his big brother but since he doesn't have the patience he gets really frustrated. Ryan is a people person mostly and he'd rather mess with some one's shoe (while still being worn) than play with any toy. He doesn't like to nap as well as he did before, perhaps it is due to the constant ear infections and teething but I also get the impression that he doesn't want to miss anything!

Soon I won't have a baby but a toddler (I know people say it is 18 months but I think it is whenever they start to walk and/or are more than 1 year old)

You keep me on my feet and keep me busy - I love you Ryan

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