Brody got tubes in his ears last August after many consistent ear infections. He has not had one since and better yet in almost a year he hasn't been on an antibiotic for being sick since. Brody has had the occasional cold but because I know it won't cause an ear infection I just let the cold run its course. Except for the stomach flu Brody got a week before I had Ryan, 3 days of pink eye he has been wonderful, even when experiencing a cold. Good mood, happy, energetic and full of life. It has been great to have him that way since he has had more therapy and now preschool. I personally feel for him to improve in his delays he needs to be healthy mind and body to take in all that is necessary for him to overcome his delays. Ear infections have of course interrupted this process. And now after having tubes for almost 10 months they are out and he has an ear infection right smack in the middle of the first session of his special ed summer school (which we are paying for)!! So I realize its just one of those things that happens but it sucks A LOT! In addition to Brody's ear infections - poor Ryan is 4 months old this Saturday and he has had 4 ear infections already. Needless to say we have an appointment set with the ENT for BOTH boys. We need to tubes again and now this time both will get them and hopefully life can go back to being normal with two happy little guys.
Pics of the kids before the ear infections hit!!
But on a lighter note Jake and I had a couple day getaway at a resort in Scottsdale a couple days ago. It was in an area we are rarely in so it didn't feel like we were home and the resort was cheap because its Arizona's off-season for travel. With a newborn and a toddler that is a handful as well as another toddler we take care of during the day it was nice to go to bed whenever we want and sleep till whatever time we want. We ate out (though nothing nice or fancy but being able to sit down without kids and get refills on a drink is spoiling for me), walked around the golf course, played tennis, relaxed, watched a movie in the theater which is another rare occasion for us.
It was a needed break and rather nice when you consider we came home to suck a sick and miserable toddler. Back to life but loving the time Jake and I had to spend together.
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