My little baby, my first born, my little Bro Bro is 3 years old today. It makes me feel like time passes SO quickly and that I have to cherish every moment with him but yet I long for him to get older to be the big kid I can have conversations with, hear about what he learned at school, travel with, take to movies, go on bike rides and such. Such a conflicting feeling.
Three wonderful (and trying years) with Brody and I still get excited every morning waiting for him to wake up so that I can see his sweet face. Brody was a great baby. Happy and content and rarely fussy so I should have known that as a toddler he would be a terror, get into everything and give me trouble. But he is my little trouble maker and I love him just the same.
A love that can't be matched is the love between a mother and a child. I am grateful to Brody for teaching me patience and a new realm of love that I have discovered about myself the past three years.
This was taken the morning before we left for the hospital for me to be induced. Yes, you'd think I had a couple babies in my tummy with how large I was but it was just an 8 1/2 lb Brody!
He was very awake and eyes open for the first 30 minutes after being born
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