I forgot to post some fun pictures. My birthday this year was lovely. I know that is a weird word to describe my birthday but it felt lovely. Though it was sort of both our birthdays we were celebrating (Jake's is the 12th) Jake surprised me by getting off work early the day of my birthday (it was last Friday - the 19th). He normally gets home around 8:30 pm so date night on a Friday NEVER happens. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner which was wonderful and delicious. These days with taking care of more kids and having a husband that gets home so late I am easy to please with just a hamburger and fries sometimes so the nice restaurant was especially lovely. Then we went to a movie too. Not to sound like my life is normally lame but that is pretty full and expensive night for Jake and I. It was nice to go out for both our birthdays. Then Saturday night Natalie and Amber came over with their husbands and kids and birthday festivities were extended even further. It was a fun night as well with pizza and soda.
It was a wonderful 27th birthday and I appreciated every bit of it, including e-cards, actual cards and text messages. It is always nice to feel special!!