I don't have much to say about our life right now. A few things I guess. Not much with our summer. Lots of outside time with the water hose and slip n' slide earlier in the month but now it is just TOO HOT outside. There was a quick trip to a cabin with my family (Lewis family that is) but I don't have pictures to share. Brody slept horribly and a couple hours sleep the first night and a little more the second. We are trying to block the memories of those nights. Ryan just went to the dr. 95th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight!! Longest he has gone in his life so far without having an ear infection - 3 weeks. YEAH!! Oh and Jake has a 2nd interview with University of Phoenix today. It is not his dream job and almost the same pay as he earns now but he is longing to work at a place where there is a possibility he could get a promotion or a raise. And most importantly not work horrible retail hours AND, if he gets the job, he can get his masters degree and still be able to work!!! If he gets the job I get my husband back on holidays and he can go with me to church! So there are lots of pluses. We are praying and crossing our fingers.
Have a bunch of great pictures I have taken recently that I just HAVE to share

Brody has been plugging his ears lately. I don't think it is anything more than Brody noticing the difference of sound with his ears plugged and then when they aren't plugged. I just thought it was a funny pic and does it a lot.

Chunky baby

I hope this picture doesn't look inappropriate it is just to show Ryan's chunky legs and to point out how interesting it is that it is adorable for a baby and even a toddler to have chunky thighs but teenager and older it is quite the opposite!

Donna was taking some pictures and she put the book by him and he loved looking at the book

I guess he already likes books!

I feel bad cause no one can see the details of this cute 4th of July shirt. It says Little Firecracker. It is this really thin, light t-shirt for Ryan. We put it on him one day to cool him off after a hot car ride. I also love this picture cause his shows his mid-drift

Okay I just took this to show how big Brody is getting

More adventures with rice cereal. Ryan is doing better. He was also giving the camera a strange look while I was taking a picture.

Brody is doing awesome drinking from a cup. Yes, I realize that many 3 years olds have already mastered this but he is late with it and he has been doing a great job in a short time of practicing. Plus drinking from a cup for Brody means he eat more cause he isn't downing an entire sippy cup of liquid in a minute...no exaggeration!

I walked into the living room the other day while Brody was watching his Sesame Street Alphabet video and this is how I found him

Brody was very non-chalant about this. He was acting as though it was no different than standing or sitting on the couch. He stayed there for a while.

Classic Brody picture - setting up his trains

These ones are his trains in for bath time. Brody loves lining them up and counting them.

Just a funny picture of Bro

A picture of Ryan with spit up all over but it was right after the first time he rolled over!!