Today was the big day of the ultrasound!
Both Grandma's came along, as they did when I was pregnant with Brody. Jake and the Grandma's surrounded the technician's screen (it was a very late appointment and the technician was pretty annoyed that our baby was not more cooperative). We first recieved what looked like a wave from the baby. Then the baby went on to, what it looked to us, like the baby was trying to suck its thumb. Yes, the ultrasound makes the baby look very alien like but was sort of cute!
Firstly was the wonderful news that I feel can be overlooked because sometimes there is so much excitement on finding out the gender - everything looked very healthy with this baby! Heart, bones, stomach, kidney's, brain and all. I really am still constantly amazed how many healthy babies are born because really there are so many things that could happen or be wrong with the baby. Jake and I were very grateful to not receive any bad news.
Not sure how well these imagines might look to everyone but I thought they came out pretty clear (I used to never be able to see where the baby was in these pictures)

Here is the profile of the baby's face

Here is the baby all curled up (it almost gives me a headache just looking at the position of the neck)!
So after all the images and measurements were taken the very reluctant baby started to move into a better position to find out if we are having a Phoebe or Phoebo (only Friends fans will appreciate that quote)!

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