Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I guess it all starts with little steps

Months ago I posted about the news our family received about Brody having a speech and social delay. I have been feeling bad lately that I haven't had much to update and tell people over the past few months. So after Brody's speech therapy session this morning I was thinking about Brody a lot and about how he has been during his sessions. I thought I would share a little bit of what I have been feeling.

First lets start with the negative: As some of you know Brody's delays have been difficult for us (please know I have perspective and realize that it could be worse, much worse). Brody's everyday life is what can be hard on him and our family. His is so frustrated to not be able to communicate with us. From being thirsty and not knowing how to ask for a drink to times when we leave the house and we are trying to get him to go with us and he is doesn't understand what we are saying or what is happening so he thinks he is being left and cries. Those are just some examples of the day-to-day frustrations. These barriers in communication has left both Jake and I feeling that we don't fully know our son and we cannot meet all of his needs. So still as of today he has not said even his first word. But what I thought a lot about today is HOPE and hints of PROGRESS!

Now for the positive: I wanted to share a note of thankfulness. Brody meets with a developmental therapist once a week and has been since about the middle of February. He started out very grumpy with her. She is very nice and patient with him and is not surprised or defensive about Brody's tantrum. Erica comes to our house which is convenient but upsetting for Brody. The therapy focuses on using Brody's toys and his surroundings to help his general development and social delays. Brody gets annoyed because Erica and I are wanting him to do things with toys that are usually him just playing with them. But since he started with Erica he has warmed up to her and his patience has grown a lot. We are very thankful for Erica. She is always consistent in her sessions, she gives great feedback and she has been good with Brody.

Now onto a story that shows our blessings and helps everyone understand why Jake and I appreciate Brody's current therapists.

Along with developmental therapy that Brody has once a week he is also suppose to have an house session with a speech therapist. For those who don't know, speech therapy is VERY difficult to come by in the Valley. At the beginning of February went through a list and I called about 30 individuals and companies of therapists before I found one (I am not exaggerating either). So after a thorough search we found a speech therapist, Marsha and this was back in March. After about 4 or 5 sessions Jake and I agreed that the therapy wasn't age appropriate. There were also a lot of other complaints we had with this woman. Naturally my frustration was that, even though I didn't like this therapist and her methods, I thought it was impossible to find somebody else. I felt stuck and irritated. If Brody didn't get the help he needed now he would fall further behind. I guess I must have left Brody on a waiting list back from when I first started looking for speech therapists. I thought after we started with Marsha I had removed Brody's name but I guess one place I hadn't. So the same day I called and vented to Brody's support coordinator at DDD (like a case manager) this company called with an opening!!! Talk about a blessing. There were a couple draw-backs. This therapist couldn't come to us and it was a ways into Phoenix. So Jake and I took a chance and meet with the new therapist, her name was Jammie. After just this first meeting with us the parents, Brody and Jammie we were won over. It was a world of difference in comparison to Marsha. The method is what we had initially anticipated when Brody was first told he would need a speech therapist. Jammie worked really well with Brody and she was patient and seemed to really understand what therapy he needed at his age. So we didn't care that it was a drive into Phoenix....finally we felt confident in the help Brody was receiving for his speech!

I know from this whole experience we have been blessed to find a speech therapist and developmental therapist that Brody works well with and who takes care and attention to his delays. I know I need to keep this in mind on the days when Jake and I get frustrated. Since Brody has started with Erica and now Jammie (that has been only since the first week of May) he has signed the words more, please, and book. He has also said (only one time) good, eat and go.

Now those aren't big deals because he has only signed those words a couple times each and only said those words once. I would love to hear my own child call me "mommy" since he will be two in a couple weeks. But, after some thought and reflection today, anything is something. Progress comes in little steps and I need to be, I mean I am, grateful for all that Brody has done so far. I have faith that things will get better with Brody and he will start talking soon but until then I need to be thankful for all that Brody is and has been blessed with up unto this point in time.

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