We had Brody's birthday party on Saturday. Jake came up with the idea to have a morning birthday party - and after everything was said and done it was just brilliant. Brody, as with many other children, are happiest in the morning so that was a plus. Also it was easy and cheap to serve breakfast food. And the icing on the cake could be that those with children who needed to nap (including Brody) wouldn't need to worry about the nap getting in the way.
It was at our house and it turned out so great. Brody wasn't at his best because he was still on the tail-end of another ear infection so he was a little bit grumpy. Considering that last year's party he slept through almost all of it, this year was an improvement. We had most of our family and friends over. Thanks so much for all who came, we appreciated your company and presents to Brody. To those who couldn't make it you were missed but don't worry because Brody didn't really notice or understand much of anything that went on. Here are some pictures from the occasion:
Here is Brody before the party started...awaiting his guests arrival OR just playing on a chair!
As Brody's cousin closest to his age Eva was their to celebrate in her adorable dress and her super cute shoes!
The birthday banner was up before Brody woke up and he smiled very big at it which was nice to see as it was one of the only decorations really to show it was a party for a kid! P.S. It was not a good idea to put cupcakes out in front a child who hasn't yet eaten....rookie mistake I guess :)
Brody's friends and family were kind enough to bring presents for the Brodster.
With so much family and some friends we had the backyard waiting for kids to play and hungry guests to eat!
We were happy about how well the food turned out. Donna and I made an egg casserole with cheese, eggs and a whole jar of Bruschetta - its better than it sounds. Also Jake made his made-from-scratch pancakes and with my Mom's cream syrup it made for a delicious yet sugary breakfast. To go along with all that there was fruit from Jada and sausages and bacon that Josh made. Thanks for all who helped with the food everything was wonderful.
Typical of the Miller house there was much eating, hanging out, talking and laughing and something on the TV (that day it was soccer because the Euro Cup is currently going on and for those who didn't know the day we had Brody the World Cup was going on so there was lots of soccer watching before, during and after the birth).
The kids had fun even if it was just watching someone else doing something
Brody's small room was a happening place for many of the kids. Brody seemed to rediscover some toys but that was of course because others were playing with them!
Here is a great picture of Gage and Gavin trying to comfort a distraught and upset Hannah!
Now this picture above and the following are of Brody (and mostly me) opening his presents. He got great stuff (again, thanks to all). In the next few pictures of Brody with his toys he refused to look at the camera or look up for anything which at the time was frustrating but now makes sense since he is only 2 years old and he had just gotten some toys so why would he need to look up??

Here is Brody as we all sing Happy Birthday and stealing a taste of some sprinkles from the cupcake. He thought it was so funny when we sang to him. Brody smiled while the singing was going on and look at me, as if to say, "Mom what is everyone doing...its so silly"
Now he digs into the cupcake!
Its weird to say but I was happy to see Brody enjoy the cupcake because he was SO not interested in last years cake (which sucked because it was an awesome one of Elmo made by his Aunt Sarah). I was just happy because well its nice to see a kid enjoy something sweet on his birthday!!
Here are buddies Gage and Brody enjoying their cupcakes together - such a sweet sight!
And as many kids do, here is one picture capturing what happening at presents were opened - other kids enjoying Brody's new presents. I especially think other cousins will love his new keyboard!
One of Bro's gifts that Jake and I were excited for was his gift from Grandma Donna...a tricycle!