He also refused to say Trick or Treat, Happy Halloween or even Thank you. He was too focused on being mad that he couldn't go into the people's houses when we went up to trick or treat. Brody assumes we are going to someone's house to play and there is a possibility of toys in the house. So he was so mad last night after the 5th house and we didn't go inside to play.
Last year we went to a Trunk or Treat and now I realize why it is probably better to go to that.
This was part of the scream-fest while at home before we gave up.
Ryan was cool and ready to go as Tigger (he doesn't really know Winnie the Pooh characters so he always corrects me and says he is tiger)
Halloween costumes that are too small
This picture was from a couple weeks ago when Brody saw this in Ryan's closet and he got so excited but as you can see it is way too small and I wanted to buy Brody a costume because it would be something Ryan can grow into for another year instead of buying Ryan a costume. FYI - Halloween costumes are SO expensive!
Speaking of too small this was a costume bought last year that was too small for Brody but didn't realize that till we were at home. I saved it hoping it would fit Ryan but he was too tall for it and it was stretched on this torso making it too small on his face.
Too bad though - would have been adorable!